Upon popular request....SOME PICTURES!!!!

The three of us in front of Tower Bridge in London. (If you can't tell by Stevie's hair and shirt, it was a bit windy by the river!)

I'm so talented. :)

Me and Stevie at Kensington Gardens having a picnic, we hired some random Gopher to take our picture.

We stumbled upon this magnificent memorial walking through the park. It's the Albert Memorial, look it up it's pretty neat.

Me kickin' it with Big Ben, I packed my Fonzie thumbs for the trip. Hhhhheeeeeyyyyy!

Big Ben was tired of holding it, so he asked Stevie if she would. She's so nice to foreigners.

Big Ben and Parliament at night, say it with me now....ooooohhhhh....aaaaaahhhhhhh

Awesome picture of the London Eye.

Me and Stevie in front of Notre Dame Cathedral. Cheeeeessseeee!

The Eiffel Tower all big a blue at night. It's almost as pretty as Stevie.

How Romantical.

It's the Mona.....you know what it is, and if not, open a book.
I'm glad your "Fonzie thumbs" made the trip :)
Great blog. Great photos. Great adventure. We love London, but have only visited in winter (three times - we like to travel "off, off, season") who knew it could be so green and sunny. Loved Dublin too. think we ate at the Boar's Head too! (did you happen to see our carving in the third booth toward the back, under the seat?)Fish and chips are my favorite two food groups. It's great you are spending time meeting the locals. I love locals - we have some locals here in Miami too (or is that locos). Your description of the Paris line and the attendant with a 'tude was great. Felt like I was there. Look forward to the next entry. Stay safe, have fun.
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